A journey with watercolor creation begins here
Immerse your character in these beautiful and wonderful watercolor scenes!
The leisure time of afternoon tea allows you to create healing watercolor illustrations of beautiful scenery.
Are these problems you have encountered?
😭The colors painted are always dirty.
😭Don't know how to start painting with watercolors.
😭Don’t know how to mix colors.
😭Don’t know what kind of picture to draw.
Don't worry, there is a solution here
About Beginner Watercolor Journey
This introductory watercolor course is specially designed for beginners who want to start learning to paint watercolors, it will guide you step by step into the world of watercolor. In this course, you will learn...
🖌️Paint with affordable watercolor supplies
You don’t need to prepare expensive watercolor tools, and you can also use cheap watercolor tools to create beautiful watercolor illustrations.
🖌️watercolor painting techniques
Master these two watercolor skills and you will be able to paint most watercolor effects.
🖌️Watercolor toning and coloring light and shadow
Tone the watercolor to your desired hue and depict the light and shadow aspects of the picture.
🖌️Complete works of painting
Detailed explanation of three common watercolor scenery painting methods and complete demonstrations, enabling you to apply watercolor techniques to various scenery effectively.
Who is suitable for this course
If you are a beginner who wants to learn watercolor, you hope to be able to start painting watercolor immediately after taking a course; or you’ve been trying to paint with watercolors for a while but still can’t get your hands on how to paint with watercolors. This course takes you from zero to mastering the fundamental techniques of watercolor art!
What you will learn from the course
The rich course content allows you to learn watercolor and start your watercolor creation journey quickly. Let your artistic talent shine through watercolor!
Dry brush techniques of watercolor painting
At the beginning of this course, I will teach you how to use dry brush techniques. You’ll learn how to use watercolor pens to make multiple effects. In addition, I will demonstrate painting a dog with dry brush techniques to let you know clearly how to use this technique in actual painting.
Wet color and other tips of watercolor painting
In the course of wet techniques, you’ll learn how to make multiple effects using watercolor. In the actual painting process, you will slowly learn to control the flow of water and watercolor in the painting. After you learn those skills, I will show you how to paint night scenes using wet techniques.
How to mix watercolor you need
People are afraid of drawing-watercolor because it is so varied and difficult to control. If you don't know the characteristics of watercolor, you may accidentally mix the dirty color. That's why I'm going to teach you how to mix watercolors in this class. You’ll learn how to avoid making dirty colors and tinting the color you want.
Watercolor expression of light intensity
After learning wet and dry techniques of watercolor and color mixing, to help you use watercolor to paint more delicate pictures, and know how to control watercolor to draw appropriate light and shadow expressions. I will then share with you the basic light theory and demonstrate how to express light intensity with watercolor so that you can use watercolor to draw the beauty of light and shadow in the picture when you paint with watercolor in the future.
Watercolor your cute character in landscape
After learning the above knowledge and skills, we can generally master the techniques of watercolor painting, but how to actually use these watercolor skills to paint various scenery still requires a basic understanding of various scenes, so first, in the unit on painting watercolor landscapes, you will learn knowledge about the composition and the changes of color in the landscape background.
Watercolor your cute character in sea view
Next, in the unit on painting watercolor sea view, I will take you to understand the basic structure of water. After you know the structure of water, drawing water ripples will not be difficult, and then you can learn how to draw waves. I will also share with you how to draw the water surface so that when you draw the seascape, you can draw it whether you are drawing the sea wave or the sea surface. Next, I will show you two demonstrations so that you can understand how I use those skills in a complete painting.
Watercolor your cute character in sky scenery
Finally, in painting the view of the sky, you will learn how to draw clouds in several ways in watercolor. You can see how the different effects between those techniques so that you can draw the cloud you want through those watercolor techniques in this class. After you are familiar with how to draw clouds using different techniques, you will learn how to draw the color changes of clouds through my two demonstrations. In addition to showing the step-by-step drawing process, the class will also show you how we can adjust some small mistakes so that the final drawing can show how we want it to appear.
My name is Comic Black Rainbow
Hi, Cutie. Welcome to my website! I am an animation painting educator, creator, and the founder of the Comic Black Rainbow YouTube channel.
I am committed to helping you establish the concept and mentality of learning painting and use the relevant knowledge and skills of animation painting to draw their unique style and creation. Through learning, improvement, and actual operation, you can use your paintbrush to create works of your own unique style in your daily life.
Some of teacher works
After learning this course, you can...
Master the way to draw watercolor.
Control the moisture of watercolor and the application of various watercolor techniques.
Make your paintings nice colors.
Use watercolor to paint the colors and pictures you want to show, instead of making your paintings dirty.
Create scenery watercolor
illustrations on your own.
Draw the beautiful scenery you see with watercolors in your wonderful life.
See What People Are Saying
● 除了開通海外刷卡的信用卡,可以用銀行轉帳/支付寶/微信支付嗎?可以!請趕緊與我們聯繫drawingbetter@comicblackrainbow.com
● 課程適合誰?不限年齡,對繪畫有興趣的愛好者 想要用電繪畫出屬於自己的創作 想要提升自己繪畫的技能 想要多一個有機會能賺取收入的技能 想要透過繪畫技能獲得社群影響力 性格內向,想用繪畫表達自我 簡言之,只要對電繪有興趣的零基礎、新手、初學者、初中階繪者,覺得繪畫卡關,想提升畫技的繪者都適合參與這門課程!
● 課程不適合誰?買了課程不會觀看的人 以為買了課程,不用練習與努力就會自動變繪師的人 學習與練習的過程中,遇到困難不願提出疑問,不願解決問題的人 任何技能都可以通過學習加快我們學會的速度,但這並不表示我們不用付出相對應的行動與努力,錢雖然可以讓您買到知識與訊息,但買不到技能,技能是您還得加上付出與努力才能得到那刻印在您腦中的能力!
● 上課前須準備甚麼材料?電繪繪畫工具(電繪板+電腦或筆電;電繪螢幕+電腦或筆電;可繪畫的平板...等等) 電繪軟體(Photoshop或Clip studio paint) 此課程第一單元會提供Photoshop和Clip studio paint軟體基本教學,但其他單元課程內容著重在繪畫觀念與練習技法,所以如果您已熟悉電繪軟體的操作,主要是想提升繪畫能力,就不限使用何種電繪軟體了!
● 觀看次數有限制嗎?沒有限制,只要課程還存在、有網路,您就可以隨時隨地、無限次數、時間觀看! 且加入課程後,就是課程的終身會員,未來本課程改版或是擴增任何教學、資源等等,您都可以免費觀看和使用,無須再支付任何費用 這意味著,我在成長的同時,也會讓您跟著我一起成長!一起畫更好!
● 有問題怎麼辦?是否會直接從黑虹這理獲得反饋?小作業會批改嗎?課程有學員臉書專屬社團可以加入,有任何問題,或是遇到任何困難都可以在社團中發問!除了黑虹也會有其他小可愛可以一起交流! 至於提問與作業批改反饋,此線上課程雖為影片形式的教學課程,但為確保學員們能確實做出成果,只要繳交作業mail到drawingbetter@comicblackrainbow.com,都將獲得黑虹為您客製化的直接反饋!(因黑虹給予反饋還是需要看到學員的圖,所以提問時,請一併附上作品,以便黑虹能給予更確切的反饋與幫助!不用擔心自己畫得好或是不好,我的黑歷史你也看過了XD,你走過的那些路我也走過,了解過程中的心路歷程與不容易,所以讓我們一起跨過這些繪畫的困難,讓自己畫出滿意的作品吧!)
● 本課程是否能保證我的繪畫技能提升與成功?無法。每個人的背景、環境、資質、付出的努力與時間皆不相同,所以除了您自己,沒有任何人能保證您人生的所有成就。況且,技能的習得是個人的修練,最終您所擁有的技能與成就,都是取決於您自己,而不是授課者和這套課程,我們只能提供習得技能過程中的幫助與輔助,並不能代替您練就繪畫技能,所以繪畫技能的提升、成功與否都必須由您自身承擔結果與責任,如果您認為購買課程、觀看完課程,而不用付出行動與努力,就能輕易獲得成功的話,那這門課程並不適合您
● 需要投入多少時間,才能看見繪畫技能提升的成效?因人而異。繪畫的技能不像某些技能(例如打球、游泳、騎馬、下棋...)需要特殊場合或是夥伴才能做練習,所以繪畫本身是一個比較能彈性訓練的技能,您可以根據您的生活、工作狀態去決定您要投入多少時間在練習繪畫上。每個人的程度、領悟力、目標、投入的努力與合適自身的訓練程度皆不相同,所以每個人所需投入的時間也不盡相同,無法概括論定需投入多少時間。且任何技能都需要時間培養,在學習繪畫的知識與了解正確練習的方法之後,還是得建立起一個習慣並持之以恆,才能慢慢達到您想要達到的目標! 我個人建議第一次觀看課程時,一週看一個單元慢慢吸收即可,並一邊觀看課程一邊練習,這樣大約一個月就可以將課程觀看完畢。當然課程看完一次,並跟著練習之後,未必會有很顯著的效果,其實就像念書一樣,除非過目不忘,不然通常只看一次書的人,考試一定沒辦法跟看3-5次書的人相比,因為我們通常第一次學習都只是在認知階段,只有通過多次的複習加深印象,我們也會更加深入的去思考,並做更內化的學習。所以我會建議,每過3-6個月再回來複習與練習,加深印象,並建構您的繪畫內在系統來提升畫技!
● 我還有其他問題如有其他問題,歡迎來信詢問:drawingbetter@comicblackrainbow.com
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NOTE: Earnings and Legal Disclaimer
As required by law, this course does not guarantee the results or benefits of your actions. However, this course provides educational and informational resources designed to help users of this course succeed in the field of watercolor painting.
We don't believe in quick wins, but we do believe that the final results you achieve will depend on your efforts, your circumstances, and all other factors beyond our control or knowledge. In addition, any examples, cases, data, etc. we quote are statements or predictions based on past results and should not be regarded as an exact guarantee of results. Likewise, the results obtained by others (whether clients of this course or otherwise) applying the principles contained in this course are no guarantee that you or anyone else will obtain similar results.
If you have any questions, please email: drawingbetter@comicblackrainbow.com
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